Cars are serviced in garages either every 6 months or on completion of 10,000 kilometers. This car servicing is essential since it requires the replacement and cleaning of multiple consumables such as oil filters, air filters, and more. These services are done to maintain the UAE’s laws of meeting air quality regulations and emissions.

Your car garage might be examined by authorities, and if it does not meet the set regulations, it could result in a fine. But there’s good news: AAKI can take care of all your garage waste problems!


  • Used Oil Filter

An oil filter is a component in vehicles and is used to remove impurities from an engine’s oil. As the engine operates, oil picks up dirt and debris, which the oil filter is able to trap. This helps to prevent the particles from circulating through the engine, thus maintaining the engine’s overall performance. However, over time, the oil filter becomes filled with particles, making it less effective. 

  • Procedure to Dispose Used Oil Filter:

The process includes inverting the oil filter and draining out the oil into a mesh-type tray for 24 hours. A used oil filter is not expected to be disposed of in a landfill as it is composed mainly of metal, while the other constitutes rubber and oil residue.

  • Disposing of Used Oil Filters through the Dubai Municipality

Dubai Municipality requires the used oil filters to be accumulated in a leak-proof container. Car servicing companies in Dubai need to apply for a waste disposal request online, through the Dubai Municipality’s website. 

  • Required Documents

The Technical Guideline No. 8 Hazardous Waste Disposal of Waste Operations Department requires:

  • Photos of the waste (oil filters)
  • Application form for recycling of Used Oil Filter through Dubai Municipality-approved recyclers. AAKI can help you with this document, please contact 800AAKI (800-2254) or email for more information.


  • Used Contaminated Cotton Rags

Your car servicing garage might require cotton rags for non-stop wiping. This would ensure that no oil gets on the car’s exterior and it also helps you keep your hands clean.

This is why your car garage might have a bulk supply of cotton rags, but these usually end up getting contaminated with oil, dirt, and debris. This makes the nature of the rag hazardous, as it can be flammable. Thus, strict regulations are set to ensure that the packaging and storage of these rags are done appropriately.


Here’s how AAKI can help you dispose of these rugs safely:

Contaminated cotton rags must be collected in a sealed container, or packed in jumbo bags or drums, depending on the recycler’s requirements. You can also reach out to AAKI so we can coordinate how you may store these rags depending on the situation.


Disposing of Contaminated Cloth through the Dubai Municipality

Car servicing companies in Dubai are required to have a Disposal Permit, which you can apply for through the Waste Disposal Service (WDS) System on the Dubai Municipality’s website.

  • Required Documents

The Technical Guideline No. 8 Hazardous Waste Disposal of Waste Operations Department requires

  • Photos of the wastes
  • Application form for recycling of Contaminated Rags through Dubai Municipality-approved recyclers. AAKI will provide this document, please contact 800AAKI (800-2254) or email for more information.


Expired Chemicals

Expired Chemicals in a garage can include motor oils, brake fluids, cleaning solvents, lubricants, and paint thinners. Expired and unused chemicals can be disposed to the Dubai Municipality. Your car garage service will need to apply for a Disposal permit through the Dubai Municipality website. 

  • Required Documents

The Technical Guideline No. 8 Hazardous Waste Disposal of Waste Operations Department requires

  • Photos of the waste (in container, label with manufacturing and expiry date)
  • Application form
  • Disposal request for chemicals with a flash point of below 60°C. The Flash Point can be found in the MSDS and/or through a Flash Point analysis by a DM-accredited laboratory.
  • Certificate of Manufacturing and Expiry Dates
  • Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS)
  • Shipping Information:

Note: If the goods were purchased locally, the proof of ownership would be the delivery receipt or delivery note and purchase order/invoice. However, if the goods were purchased from abroad, you would need to provide the following:

  • Bill of Lading
  • Bill of Entry (Customs Declaration)
  • Certificate of Country of Origin
  • Packing List
  • Purchase Order

Note: You may request these documents with your shipping company. Ensure that you keep these records for a minimum of 5 years either in soft copy or hard copy.


Paint Residue

Paints are always present at a car garage since many car owners might request a paint job to customize their car color or to cover up scratches and accidents. During this process, excess paint might stain the ground, or remain in the container – eventually drying up. The other paint might expire. You will be required to responsibly and safely dispose of these paints.

Unused paint, expired paint, and used paint is classified as hazardous waste by the Dubai Municipality. Car garages in Dubai therefore need to apply for a permit to dispose of this paint.

  • Required Documents

The Technical Guideline No. 8 Hazardous Waste Disposal of Waste Operations Department requires

  • Photos of the wastes (inside the container, photos of the labels consisting of the manufacturing/expiring date)
  • Application form for recycling of paint Residue through Dubai Municipality-approved recyclers. AAKI will provide this document, please contact 800AAKI (800-2254) or email for more information.
  • Chemical wastes shall be applied for differently based on their category according to the WDS waste type (e.g. flammables, acids, alkalis, oxidizer, and/or by reactivity). Compatibility information is available on the MSDS of the chemical.


Radiator Waste

Radiator waste is typically a mixture of old coolant, water, and contaminants removed from the cooling system. This waste can be considered hazardous due to the chemicals and pollutants it contains. Radiator waste can be collected in sealed containers, and it must be ensured that there is no possibility of leakage through these containers.

To dispose of this waste through Dubai Municipality, you will require these documents:

  • Photos of the waste (in the container)
  • Application form for recycling of paint Residue through Dubai Municipality-approved recyclers. AAKI will provide this document, please contact 800AAKI (800-2254) or email for more information.


While applying for permits and disposing of your waste may seem cumbersome, AAKI is here to make this process easier for you. Contact 8002254 or for quick and easy waste disposal from your car garage.

Blog Post by Hero Jun Ladores, September 1, 2022, the content of this blog is the interpretation of the writer and should not be used as a legal reference. Readers are advised to visit the Dubai Municipality website directly to check updates and actual legal documents.
